When we talk about rural families, many times we wonder how to help, where it is more urgent, which are the priorities… In the Network, we weave strong and lasting bonds because isolated efforts, no matter how emotional they make us feel, do not improve the living conditions in the necessary degree. Learn how to achieve a better impact.
Each monthly contribution, however small it seems, helps to build schools, community and technological centers, health posts, to train students, teachers, technicians and community leaders, to manage scholarships, equipment and all kinds of resources. This support is also vital to introduce innovative practices in schools, social organizations and other institutions and strongly influence public policies.
It is not magic; there are no geniuses or celebrities. We are simple people who dare to do extraordinary things, each one from our place but sharing resources, talents and abilities. Thanks to you, there is a Network and, in as much as you help us to be more, results will be even much better.
The time has come to act and feel great for what you’re doing. We want to thank you by sharing the results.